30 المشاهدات· 2024/07/07· الطب والصحة
Allah and His caliph challenge the researchers of the lie of the artificial womb studies to produce human offsprings..
Here is the Challenge from Allaah and His Caliph, Imam Mahdi, to the Researchers of the Lie of Artificial Womb Studies to Produce Human Offspring and Carry Fetuses Instead of Women. They Want to Misguide You While Knowing They Are Incapable of Creating Such a Thing. They Know They are Lying to Undermine the Muslims’ Mental Faculties in an Attempt to Misguide them Ideologically Under the Name of Scientific Study
Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani
22— Dhu'l Qi'dah — 1445 AH
28— June — 2024 AD
07:34 AM
(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)
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عاصم الشرعبي
منذ 9 شهور