testimonies from around the world regarding the prematurely full moon, as evidence of the event of the Full Moon sign of Imam Al-Mahdi
The Moon Has Risen in Synchrony with the Setting Sun, and It Shall Descend at the Appointed Time of Dawn’s Twilight (Friday Dawn); Thus, the Truth Has Been Evident. Yet, I Know Well That It Shall Not Cause Them Any Remembrance ; Surely, Allaah Shall Grant Saqar Permission to Blaze with Fury and Exhale Its Wrath, So They Shall Hear Its Seething Rage and Dreadful Roaring. This Is the Year of Hellfire’s Wrath (2025 AD), And the Final Judgment Rests with Allaah, the Best of Judges. O Allaah, Bestow Your Mercy upon the Believers, Guide Those Who Stray, and Annihilate Your Enemies from among the Devils; Indeed, You Encompass the Wicked, and to You Alone Belongs the Ultimate Judgment, for You Are the Best of Judges
The Imam Mahdi, Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani
13 — Ramadan— 1446 AH
13 — March — 2025 AD
08:13 PM
(According to the official time of Mecca (Mother of Towns))
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